Icon Capital is a privately owned independent investment group.

For last 11 years we have been successfully managing investment portfolios assets owned by companies active in diversified market segments a.o. real estate development, power generation and new technologies.

The shareholders of the group are also managers of the company ensuring stable investment policy. A systematic diversified value enhancement of assets under management serves as the basis for our strategy which the management is consistently pursuing.

We help our portfolio companies and co-investors to achieve their investment goals which require unique skills and professional expertise. We specialize in obtaining structured financing and in capital transactions through direct cooperation with domestic and foreign financial institutions.


We invest in projects providing high level rates of return which could deliver profits regardless of market conditions.

Our investment decisions are based on a strategy encompassing full range of asset classes with no geographical restrictions focusing on the most liquid ones in order to generate profits irrespective of the market situation.

We have profound experience in divestment and restructuring transactions, distressed assets and bankruptcy proceedings.


We are investing in carefully selected sectors: real estate, energy, new technologies, waste management, innovation, facility management and IT/Telecom.

Our specialized knowledge and extended experience allows us to maximize the magnitude of our transactions. We are seeking high-margin venture capital projects.

We have specialized knowledge and a experienced team capable to maximize the magnitude of our transactions.


Investments in the real estate sector are one of the main areas of our activity. Icon Real Estate (www.iconre.pl), which is a part of the Icon Capital group, has been successfully executing residential, office and commercial development projects in Poland and in other selected European countries.

Latest investments:


We are intensively developing our activities in the energy, waste management and environment protection industries.

We invest in new technology projects sector using our group companies. Icon Entech Group S.A. holds a license for innovative solutions in the field of energy recovery from waste using UtyliKatTM technology. Our experience allows us to choose and enter into investments offering the highest profitability ratios.


Our investment portfolio includes companies from the new technology sector, e.g. SkyCash (www.skycash.com). We have successfully completed our long-term investment in a software house  – Nexio Management sp. z o.o.


Icon Entech Group S.A. is an Icon Capital-managed VC vehicle. In cooperation with the group companies and our regular business partners acting as co-investors, we run venture capital investments, within the following scope:

  • SPVs are set up from scratch or investments are made in companies at an early stage of operations,
  • the investment is made for a strictly defined time, usually short or medium term,
  • supervision is performed by acquiring majority stakes,
  • managerial support is provided by setting up development strategy for an existing entity and in the scope of regular operations,
  • We provide for selection of professional personnel as management and supervisory board members.


We are seeking new, unique and more effective solutions, processes, business tools and models. We support environmentally friendly projects: from research concept to implementation. We subsidize research, development and innovative technologies. Our activities involve transactions creating opportunities for an above-average profit. We are focusing on:

  • recycling, recovery of substances and energy from waste, waste management,
  • catalytic technologies,
  • energy efficiency improvement, also participation in ESCO (Energy Saving Company) projects,
  • energy storage,
  • innovative technologies for renewable energy generation,
  • use of resources from waste heaps, by-products from combined heat and power plants and coal mining,
  • sludge management,
  • cleaning of organically contaminated metal ores,
  • exploitation of low-calorific natural gas deposits, small gas fields remote from gas pipelines,
  • projects combining the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and drones.
  • We have capabilities to support scientists and entrepreneurs ready to cooperate with our group providing their scientific and research facilities. Through cooperation with us our partners can conduct laboratory tests and scientific consultations. We can finance innovative projects from our own and external (domestic and foreign) funds. We review and transfer selected investment projects to financial institutions (including venture capitalists) to obtain additional funds and/or exchange of know-how.
  • UtyliKatTM is currently the most promising among our innovative projects.


ICON Capital Sp. z o.o.


+48 22 213 11 60

ul. Rozbrat 44a (IV p.)
00-419 Warszawa
KRS: 0000151805
NIP: 5261002207
REGON: 011054160